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Disney Cancels Tron 3!

This news is just sad to me, despite some of the issues Tron: Legacy had I really enjoyed the film.  It was a huge upgrade over the first one in terms of effects and action and really kicked opened the door for the sequels to walk through with some potentially bold ideas on AI’s, computer software affecting the real word, etc.  Just a week after Tomorrowland opened to a weak $41.7 million in its first four days in theaters, so it’s not hard to connect the dots.  While I believe a trailer for a movie shouldn’t spoil the movie, the trailers for Tomorrowland explained nothing of what the movie was about.  it was marketed badly, not nearly as bad as John Carter, but it was still a bad choice and now another project has fallen because of the loss.

tron legacy, gambitcon, garret hedlund, olivia wilde, disney, disney cancels tron 3It’s sad that an entire movie, or future movies live or die by another movie’s opening weekendJoseph Kosinski was returning to the directors chair, Garret Hedlund and Olivia Wilde were returning  as well and pre-production on the film had started although the film was never actually greenlit.